Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Hackers continue attacks on China websites

MANILA, Philippines - Filipino hackers have continued to deface Chinese government websites despite calls from the Philippine government to end the attacks.
On Monday, posts on the "PrivateX," "Anonymous #OccupyPhilippines" and "Anonymous Butuan" Facebook pages reported fresh attacks on websites in China.
The hackers have called their campaign "#OpChinaDown," which is in alleged response to the attacks made by some Chinese hackers on Philippine websites.
The hacking spree is also directly related to the simmering dipsute between Manila and Beijing over ownership of Scarborough Shoal just off Zambales province.

The Chinese websites that fell prey to the latest wave of attacks from the Philippines include:
More variety
The defaced Chinese pages now seem to be more varied, with messages behind left by hackers ranging from a mere "aaaaaaaaaa hacker" to several sentences explaining why the website was hacked.
"The recent defacements occurred on certain Chinese websites were just a simple response to what happened to the UP site. You may continue bullying our country's waters but we will not tolerate you from intimidating our own cyber shores," one message said.
"Those defacements are just a mere response to what you have initially started. We are not trying to start anything. We are just trying to tell you that we do not want to be bullied in our own cyberspace too," it added.
"#OpChinaDown is not a threat. It will be a response. A response to future attacks within our cyberspace. We will leave our country's disputes to our government's hands. Yet this does not mean we will not support them. One Truth Prevails, Scarborough Shoal is ours," it said.

Baselines Law
Another defacement, perhaps the latest, says "In 2009, President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo enacted the Philippine Baselines Law of 2009 (RA 9522). The new law classifies the Spratly Islands and the Scarborough Shoal as a regime of islands under the Republic of the Philippines.  Chinese Government is clearly RETARDED."
A Facebook page administrator at the "PrivateX" hackers group said they have yet to reveal all of the websites that they have attacked. "Sana wala ng magpost ng mga naha-hack ng China baka sabihin ng IBA dyan LLAMADO ang China. Eh nananahimik na nga lang kami. Di pa sila nakakabawi sa dami ng pinost namin at ng mga taong sumuporta at maliban pa sa di namin pinopost. Salamat po."
The "Anonymous Butuan" administror, meanwhile, described the Chinese as "bullies."
"Defacing / hacking into some Chinese website isn't the only way to show our support against the Chinese bullies. Being aware is one of the greatest help we can get. Share the info, be aware, not for ourselves but for our country, the Philippines," said a post on the group's Facebook page.
Philippine science and technology officials earlier disowned the attacks made on Chinese websites, even as they warned that the "skirmishes in cyberspace" may worsen the dispute between Manila and Beijing over the ownership of Scarborough Shoal.

Source: Abs-Cbn News


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